Busy, Busy, Busy. How can it possibly be halfway through November already?
Halfway through November is halfway through The Depraved Nation's Dirty Turkey Hunt!
So, you should still have time to make it through all the stops if you hurry, nearly 150 stores, so better get a wriggle on! Here are some of my highlights from the prize haul. All prizes are free to purchase, all you have to do is find them!
All the hints and SLurls are here... http://depravednation.com/tdth-3-0
All the hints and SLurls are here... http://depravednation.com/tdth-3-0

Shape : FROSTING!! Linsey
Skin : [MC] TDTH-Frapp Skin D-Cup Smoke
Minidress : Devilish Designs Hollar Dress Silver

Eyemakeup : [VIRTUAL/INSANITY] MAKE ME UP - Liquid Glimmer - Brulant
Ears : :Z.S: Gobble gobble plugs
Necklace : (flaunt) Clawed Necklace
Tattoo : [trs] Dirty Bitch Tattoo
Top : FATAL Ravaged Dirty Turkey
Pastie : H.E.D. Maple Leaf Pastie
Arm warmers : =Razorblade Jacket= Arm Warmers /// Plain Brown
Jeans : ToXiC HiGh Unisex Dirty Grunge Jeans
Boots : :{MV}: Fuck Me Uggs
Pose : SSP Pilgrim Girl and shotgun
One noticeable difference with this hunt made things a little more difficult, but it's a step the creators have taken to keep the hunt a hunt. On some viewers, people have long used area search to cheat while hunting, taking out all the fun, and cutting the time they spend in each store. Part of the fun of hunting, for me, is to get to browse through stores I may not have ended up in otherwise. This, infact, has led me to some of my all time favourite designers and stores. As a way to curb this area search cheating, most of the stores in the hunt have named their hunt prize object something random - which I can only agree with, and take steps while hunting to make sure I know which objects and folders came from the hunt in my mess of an inventory. So if you are setting out on your hunt, keep an eye on your recent items, perhaps move them into a folder before logging off, so you don't lose out on any of these goodies. Of course, if your inventory is organised... can you do mine?