Eiren walked alone through the tunnels. It was warm and humid so she had wrapped her hair together in a bun. Most of her skin was uncovered anyways as usually. She was not allowed to cover the runes and symbols on her skin.
Paper was rare since the last world war. Most materials which could have been used to create paper out of them were needed to make food out of them. But it was still needed to be able to translate the symbols which were painted on some ancient machines. And they needed a way to transport the information. For some time they tried to carve them into stone but it was work which took a long time.
Then somebody who was trying to solve the lack of paper problem saw a woman with a tattooed chinese symbol on her body. First they tried to use animals to tattoo letters and symbols onto them. But those always disappeared quickly. So they started to recrute humans like Eiren. She was now like a living rosetta stone. On her front was the same text written as on her back but she knew the meaning of them so she was able to help the scientists who worked with the machines. She wore implants which made her findable when ever she was needed. Sometimes she felt a slight burning in them. In those moments she was not sure if they really needed living skin as canvas or if they were using all the living dictionaries for experiment.
Virtual/Insanity released some new and some reedited stuff. For example the eye piercings. They were new textured. The set contains them in three colours and each of them for the right or left side or at both sides at the same time. The tattoo with the runes can be worn with or without the part for the back. The package includes it in a lighter and a darker tone. Its a great roleplay item. Those runes could be so much like magical spells or a curse which has been inherited. The new papilloma belly piercing looks like a small butterfly for the belly which is surrounded by several pearls. As the other sets this one does not only contain one colour but a black and a silver version. Virtual/Insanity also takes part in two hunts at the moment. The twisted one - they were so cool and put a list of hints in the store to make hunting more fun - and the american bazar birthday hunt. So its definitly worth to take a look at that store.
The trousers are the huntgift of Trapt! in the twisted hunt. The primparts have a resize script and the texture of the cigarette box changes on touch.
[VIRTUAL/INSANITY] INFLUENZAE #2 Piercings Sets (120 L$)
[VIRTUAL/INSANITY] PAPILLOMA Belly Piercing #2 (125 L$)
>>Trapt<< Dark Fairy Outfit For Twisted Hunt