I like green so i was really excited when my friend Myrian told me about green skins from
Aimesi Skins. I went there supposing to see a totaly green skin but only the area around the eys is green. I think the skin could fit some races in roleplay for example fae. It goes well with the EthericOrchid eyes from
Sterling Artistry.

Aimesi Skins Lisa St.Patrick GG (Groupgift)
sa _StarlightEyes_EthericOrchid
At the moment the nature's hunt is going on. For me those are the three best items in that hunt. In the hunt you search for a prim flower. The name of it in english is daffodil (Osterglocke in german).
I love the texture of that dress its kind of vintage in my opinion.

**BE** Walk in the Garden
This dress makes me a bit unglad about the avilion dresscode. As dragon i m not allowed to wear it there and its so pretty. This kind of green is my favourite green but unfortunatly the skirt is too short for being allowed for a dragon in avilion. But Fae will be allowed to wear it.

Euphoria!! : Chiffon Cocktail Dress Aquamarine
And here the most beautiful item in the hunt. A wonderful nature kimono. I love the colors. It will look even better on a bit taller avatars for me the obi is a bit too large. The gift says women's gift i don t know if there is one for men too in the store.

The Ancient Tree Kimono Shop_Woman's gift