Jumping a bit around to become fit for a long trick or treat night. So for becoming fit some jumping jacks are a good start although the coordination isn`t perfect yet.
But the jewlery picked for that night is. As earrings i picked the Witch's Brew Earrings from
Frippery. They are great. On the one ear you wear a little witch and on the other one you have her cauldron.
There are some more halloween themed earrings and necklaces available at frippery. For example the ones with the vampire and his coffin. Fitting to the earrings there is a necklace with a vampire and the word tasty available. If you prefer not to wear the opposite of a garlic necklace you could wear the spooky necklace. It showes a ghost. Fitting to that you could get earrings with ghosts and a graveyard.
There are also some great halloween rings. You could either get the unholy union together on three rings (they are one item you wear at one attachment point) or you buy a single ring. I still wonder what the witch and the vampire do together after halloween. Maybe they visit Santa Claus and help the elves. The pumpkins are also available at earrings of course.
What really amazes me about the jewlery from frippery are the details. Here a close picture of an earring. The creator used so many little prims. I still can't imagine that somebody has the patience to build such a piece.
Earrings shown in this entry:
Frippery: ET~Witch's Brew Earrings (150 Linden)
Frippery: ET~Crypt Sweet Crypt Earrings (150 Linden)
Frippery: ET~Ghoul's Night Out Earrings (150 Linden)
Frippery: ET~Spooky (Ghost) Necklace (200 Linden)
Frippery: ET~Tasty (Vampire) Necklace (200 Linden)
Frippery: ET~Monster Mash Mega Ring (200 Linden)
Frippery: ET~Henchmen United Ring (100 Linden)
Frippery: ET~Unholy Union Ring (100 Linden)
Frippery: ET~Night Terrors Ring (100 Linden)
Outfit on the first picture:
Top: MHOH4 # 5 -
*FIR* & *MNA* (0 Linden)
A:S:S - Rocker leathers - pink (75 Linden)