A soft creak of wood and metal would greet each twilight. Coming up from deep in the cavernous excavations hidden under the house on the hill, the telltale sound was audible to none but the crows beginning their roost in the gnarled trees which guarded the bramblestrewn garden. This softest of sounds was followed by others. The moaning, and occasional crashes were explained away by townspeople as subsidence, the land was old, and old things would creak... Far below their feet someone still older was waking, and making the noises.

Closer to the thick stone walls of the sanctuary, the noises resolved into their true forms. Stumbling out of the coffin, things were bound to get knocked over. Shins would be bruised, expletives would rain down as he pressed icy fingers to his temples, shading his vision from the searing pain of soft candlelight, easing into animation as the hangover from hell pounded and throbbed behind his eyes.

He would stand a while, centred in his mausoleum, letting the memories ebb and flow, settling back into a pattern only discernible from the nightmares of those who scurried about on the surface above by its unyielding clarity. As the tide of blood drew back, he again knew his name. Names were given to him, in different places, at different times. As seasons changed, so must he, if only on the surface. In this time, he could fit in as easily as any other, new ink graced old skin... it wouldn't last forever, but for now, it pleased him, and some others, to look at it.

Some hated it of course... designed to be divisive, it won friends and enemies. Followers of fashion all, in one way or another, be it of the flesh or spirit. None of it mattered much, a means to an end for him. Pulling the thick woolen sweater over his head, moonlight, seeping through fissures in the rock, reflecting from well placed crystals, gilded his skin. Black ink, driven deep marked him out as one of this age's exiles, their otherness forming a protective barrier, one which he could stalk from, and hunt within whenever the mood struck... Which it would, and often did.
More awake now, he turned to view the fruits of his labour the night before. The old copper tub, heated to the all important 37 degrees was half full... this was a little necessary luxury, not an extravagance. Even this had tired him. Slipping into the vitae, jeans and all, a wry smile would twist his lips at the thought.."Perhaps this is me growing old at last..."

Hair : *Dura-Boy*38(Black) L$360 Fatpack of 7 colours.
Skin : Akeruka Godric - Former group gift.
Eyes : REPULSE - Living Dead L$ 99
Tattoo : +REDRUM+ Inverted L$ 99
Top : +REDRUM+ Loose Fit Top Mens - Black MESH L$89
Love the easy flow of this woolen sweater - looks so comfortable!
Jeans : +REDRUM+ Grandpa's Jeans - Grey MESH L$89
These jeans are made with a fanatastic texture - very unusual, not your normal denim. In the blue - they look great - here in the grey option - they look like roughed up old tweeds. Very nice!
All +REDRUM+ items available at the new mainstore - which you can find here...
Mausoleum : Glitterati - Mausoleum (5 poses) L$150
Coffin : Stone Misery - Coffin Black Nailed - Had this a long time - check out the store for what's on offer!
Wall Cross : KOSH- CRUX & CANDLES -regular- L$66
Arch : Trident - Frozen Mistletoe Arch [Candles,White] L$350
Just noticed that in all of the pictures above, the mistletoe on the arch had not rezzed fully. Damnit.
Bath : Boudoir - Bloody Tub L$250