The sound of the waves was calming but none the less the feeling of dew on her skin wasn't something Martha enjoyed. For some moments she curled together trying to hide her bare feet deeper in the wide pants she was wearing. After some more minutes of uncalm sleep she realized that she was at the wrong place.
This was definitly not her or Phil's home. Slowly she pushed herself up. The pain in her head made her regret this. But while pressing her eyes together she forced herself to get on her feet. It wasn't a big surprise that the rest of her body did ache as well.
The veil was something which surprised her. There was dirt on it so Martha supposed that she had used it as cushion or blanket.
Not that this was important. She was wearing a veil, didn't remember what had happened during the night it was clear that it finding out what happened in the night would be way less fun than those things she forgot.
Miamai's latest relase is a wonderful brideswear collection. Of course it is outstanding,especially the Marlene Outfits. This consits of elegant meshtrousers (in standard sizes) with a frilled top and a big veil and also fitting upper sleeves. The upper part of the veil and the sleeves are made of unrigged mesh so its possible to resize them. The lower part of the veil is made of flexi prim which allows it to move.
The red hair comes from Wasabi Pills. It's the Dragon Hair which is very versatile.
Purple Pose released a set of pinup poses. The pose on the first picture belongs to those.
Adornotropia, the sim where the picture have been taken is not officially open yet. But it is allready possible to visit it. If you have a chance to do so take a ride in the rollercoster.
Outfit: Miamai_WeddingCollection2012_Marlene White (1400 L$)
Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Dragon Mesh Hair (1500 L$ for fatpack 250 L$ colourpack)
1st. Pose:PURPLE POSES - Pin Up Poses (sold at Perfect Wardrobe)
Location: Adornotropia
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