![[count frost]](http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7020/6506038603_55b4a307b6_z.jpg)
Ever wondered where all those metal heads in SL are hiding? They already seem to be a rather rare species in RL, at least where I'm living - and if we're talking about those people whose outfit tells you what music they might like. It doesn't seem to be much different in Second Life, so I was having some trouble to dress accordingly to my (musical) mood when I recently re-discovered my love for Black Metal. Thankfully, there is certainly no lack of awesome leather pants and net shirts in our little world, so the basics were there, and I remembered the Cake hair I'd bought ages ago and which matched the look perfectly, but... the rest?
While looking through old screenshots, my eyes caught a pair of spiked armbands I was wearing on one, and after some research, I also remembered the store's name: [SP] - Spider Productions, established in 2005. This shop does not only sell spikes, studs, and everything that looks awesome when you're going for a darker look, but also stunning hybrid avatars (such as dragons), armor, jewellery and accessories, weapons and much more! And they also have a bunch of Lucky Boards out, in case you want to check on their quality first. The boots I'm wearing in this post, for example, are one of the Lucky Board prices and greatly textured, plus: easy to resize. A:S:S's latest release, the more-than-awesome Count-corpse paints (you can choose from a variety of 10, or simply grab the fatpack) added the final touch to my outfit.
Skin: ~Tableau Vivant~ - Vincent February
Hair: Cake - Sleek
Eyes: REPULSE - Living Dead Eyes v2 Eyes
Shirt: sf design - net shirt
Pants: TheAbyss - M_Chaos_Leather_Pants
Boots: (LUCKY GIFT) - [SP] - Grudge black (free, Lucky Board)
Spikes: [SP] - Slick Spike Buckle gauntlets
Gloves: .:A&M:. - Hole Clothing Line - Black Gloves & +grasp+ - Biker glove (group gift)
Belt: *GA* - #BE1101C Studded Belt
Corpse Paint: A:S:S - Corpsepaint 06
Tattoo: ::Para Designs:: - Venom
Guitar: Ryuu Guitars - Kujisawa 8 (store seems to have closed)
Poses: Del May & Frozen Panty (store seems to have closed)
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