Thursday, June 7, 2012

For Flowers

The path had been but finally she had gotten what she yearned for. She was one of the bright ones. And normaly she should have been dedicated to serving the sun, singing to the moon and counting stars. A calm life with some fights now and then about who might be the best. But a life which was too boring for her . She wanted more than spending all her time on reaching something which allready had been planed.
the gift of the goddess
First she had been pondering about trying to become one of the fire priests. Flames were something she could handle but having to learn 261 names for fire was something she didn't interest at all so she left those. Then she tried the water cult. They taught her how to dive for hours so that her skin started to absorb the air she needed from the water. It was not bad but having been so attached to the sun for a long time it was something she missed to much in the deepths of the oceans. Finally she decided to test the group which cared for plants. And it was like it was what she had been training to do all the time. She knew how to deal with the celestials so that she knew how to get the right light for the plants. The teachings of the fire priests allowed to make sure that the right amount of warmth was provided. And the knowledge about water helped her to provide the right water. Finally she had something which was interesting and versatile. It was the first time that she really liked what she did and had the feeling that it was something which was needed. So she kept doing it and soon she received the gautlets which were the sign that she was an official member of the plant cult. the gift of the goddess III Currently two events are running which are cute and lovely. In Booshtopia and some other sims something called "Flori & the Nectubloom Rising". It is a quest in which you have to help Flori the Flora deity of Booshtopia to fertilize the Nectublooms so that they start blooming and some booshies can drink their nectar. After receiving some informations and a hud from Flori you start to search for those flowers and with the help of the hud you give them the fertilizer. It is a cute idea and the gift you get at the end is just lovely.It is a pair of gauntlets with leaves on the top and a gem. After the booshies are released the people who did the quest will also have a special flora item for their booshies. The gauntlets are no copy but transfer. It is possible to mod them. The dress and the poses come from the other event Chic's 2nd birthday. The poses have been created by Mavi Beck. She is not only one of second life's best models but also a storemanager for Miamai and also the one behind Miamai poses. This set is called the time is now.
Tomoto also takes part in this event. They made a very cute dress which is available in four colours. This one is the the white version. It is possible to edit the prim parts so that they fit. The dress itself creates a dreamy look.
The horns from ni.Ju first were sold at the fantasy faire. Now they  are also available in their store. At the fantasy faire ni.Ju had their stall in Nu Orne. The buildings which have been used to create this sim are now available at Cerridwen's Cauldron. Elicio Ember's store who also built Nu Orne. It is possible to see them on a plattform which can reached with the help of teleport pads.
the gift of the goddess II

Gauntlets: Booshies : Flori's Gauntlets (0 L$ Flori Quest in Booshtopia)
Dress:  tomoto, delice white (380 L$  sold at Chic2)
Hair: /Wasabi Pills/  Sybille Mesh Hair -  - (250 L$ for colourpack 1500 L$ for fatpack)
Horns: [ni.Ju] - Portmanteau  - white (299 L$)
Legwarmers: *Epic* Barbs & Blood Slouchie Digi Warmers {Paw} (279 L$)
poses: Miamai _Model pose_The Time is Now (250 L$ for 10 poses sold at Chic2)

Location: Nu Orne at Cerridwen's Cauldron

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