Saturday, October 15, 2011

Beings in the mist

The days at which the fog lifted were rare. Eideann did not care about this anyways. She knew that the beings which hid in the dust were most likely more afraid of her than she of them. As child she flipped when starting to see all the creatures but she soon figured out that they only saw her when she directly looked at them. Some of them tried to steal energy from her others just wanted to talk with her. She usually killed the ones who wanted her energy and for the others she wore a blindfold.
Henna Coat II
The henna jackets from Miamai just look great. This one is the black version of it. It looks like a normal elegant jacket with short tails on the back and the options to wear a feather collar. They consist of a jacket layer which keeps the bits covered and primparts for the jacket, sleeves and for the feathers. It can be worn with and without the feathers. All the prim parts are mod. The other items have all been blogged some time ago. But I have to admit that I really like the combination of the tattoo and the hair and so I used them again. The blindfold has been in a gatcha at the fashion fest it might be not available anymore. But illusions sells a very pretty one too. The thong belongs to a complete set thats why it is so expensive but there might be stores which sell single thongs.

Jacket: Miamai_Henna Jacket Black (450 L$)
Tattoo: +Fallen Gods Inc.+ CATACLYSM (550 L$)
Blindfold: Schoen: [Black] Satin Blindfold
Boots: *COCO*_Knee-HighBoots (190 L$)
Thong: !dM deviousMind: "MmeChatouille" *Black* (750$)
Hair: (red)Mint ~ Hair No.09 (F) ( r e d s ) (350 L$ for pack with 3 tones or 2700 for the fatpack)
Pose: Purple Poses : 303 (10 L$)


  1. wow... great pic, great styling, great post, great blog. how the f*** am i JUST NOW discovering this one? and idk which one of yall came up with the name, but it's terrific and the logo is like, design genius. I love the simplicity and sleekness of it and, ofc, the double-purpose E. <333

  2. Is that taken in lost beach? Haha
