Monday, January 12, 2009

Freebies for Tinys and items tinys could use in roleplay

Cause i spend a lot of my time in second life as tiny i thought i should make a blog about freebies and roleplay items for tinies. In this blog i used avis from wynx (the otter and the ferret) and from Isle of Wyrms (the Spirit Hatchling).

I start with two japanese outfits for tinies.

Armor: Tiny TAMA's Wondrous Tiny Store : Tiny Tama Free Saki Munke Wushu outfit :) ! (0 Linden)
Kimono: Tiny TAMA's Wondrous Tiny Store : TT- 043-Kimono Kaeru-A gift
Pipe: Nekoma : Kiseru-y04 (freebie you can go there every day and click the giant pipe and get a free pipe - i got some more from there for using it as tiny you have to edit a bit and delete the included smoking pose)

Here some roleplay items which work good with the wynx quad ferret:

Collar : Open Collar : [AiTech] Spiked Collar (its an adult sim and you might see some stuff you don' t like to see but its a great item for roleplaying as ferret - you can walk on a leash and it looks good)
Bunny : SOCK BUNNY DOLL : made by Morgan Underwood (was 1 Linden on xstreet im not sure if it is still there but he has a shop now)
Sock : freebie (ask one of the avilion hatchlings most of them have it)

Here some roleplay items i use as hatchling.

Bat : Schadenfreude : Brackle (0 Linden)

This bunny reminds me always on Lady Xen. So i needed to share it.
Bunny toy : Sanu : *Sanu Wicked Witchie Snuggle-Bunny (Lucky chair gift)
Cupcake : Sanu : Sanu Vanilla Christmas Tree Cuppie Orange (Cupcake gift - just nibble at the big cupcake in the store and you ll get a great gift)

Those who know me also know the sock. Here is the unbeliveable angry and great sock:
Sock: SquirrelTech : Ferret Sock by Misch - Enjoy :) (75 Linden)

Here one of my absolut favourites at the moment. The feather from scrible. Now that there are lots of gryphons every where its a great item. You can play that you did steal it from somebody and use it for tickling biggys.

Feather: scribble : ~Scribble~ Ever After Mouth Feather Lucky board prize

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