Echlibeth always wanted to become a falconer. But somehow she was a bit afraid of birds of prey.

So she decided to start small.

Or even very small. But somehow this was not a smart desicion. The bird was always too afraid to fly off her hand. First she thought that it was scared by her coat so she took the coat off.

But it didn`t help at all. So at the end she sat down and looked at her bird and was wondering what to do with it.

This is a new item
22769 is selling on xstreet. It comes with a coat and a belt. All the prim parts have a resize script. I like the belt with the skull very much. The system parts are well made. I had to shorten the trousers a bit so that they worked with boots.
For the pictures i used again the bird poses from
No strings attatched.

22769 Vintage Series "Wasto" (99 Linden )
Poses with the Bird: '
NSA' - Blue Bird (200 Linden)
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