Standing in the darkness. Waiting for the monsters to fight with the starstaff. Waving it up and down in kind of a dance. Avoiding to fall because of the socks and taking care that the hat does not fall off.
Its Santa Lucia today in Sweden so A:S:S give out a gift called Starboy. I personally heared the first time of that day when reading a book for children about a little cat named findus. I found a picture of him as Santa Lucia on the german amazon site.
So here the outfit from a:s:s for guys. Of course also women could wear it but they have to try to sing with a dark voice when singing santa lucia songs.
The socks and the leaves on the head are the current groupgift from caverna obscura.
Outfit: A:S:S - Starboy outfit (0 Linden today)
Socks and Crown: Caverna Obscura Monthly Gift Box ~DEC~ (0 Linden but 500 Linden joining fee - if you are a member you could win dresses on the lucky boards there which are worth every penny of the joining fee)
Haha, awwww... I LOVE Findus. ^^