Monday, April 2, 2012

Wearing more brown


Yep more brown, most of my recent blog posts appear to be featuring mostly shades of brown recently not that it is intentional. Anyway what's not to love about all this brownness, I mean will you look at these shiny shiny boots! pure liquid chocolate, that's what they remind me of. I don't have anything more to say on the matter, thanks for looking though <3

Hair: 50L - Sunday - beach blonde > Maitreya
Skin 1L - Nadine > Mother Goose's
Dress: 0L - customer appreciation gift > Priss
Boots: 390L - gator star boots - brown > Pia
Scarf: 30L - Gause scarf - almond > Humming
Bag: 0L - group gift - chocco bag  > !1MM

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