Tuesday, January 18, 2011


People turned around when she was walking throught the streets. Wearing two eyepatches at once to hide the empty holes in her face. The wounds never seemed to heal. She didn't know when she woke the last time without having the metalic taste of her own blood in her mouth. People who were new to the city sometimes tried to rob her. They all wanted the silver shining earring she wore.
free dress and mask
But they normaly learned quickly that being blind does not mean being helpless.
This great black dress and the Mask and the Earring are on the lucky boards at Silver*Roses. A great store for gothy dresses and awesome masks. They also got great Makeuplayers. Its just a store absolutly worth to visit. And the dress is just sweet. It looks like having a corset at the front and comes with a skirt with white lace unter it. The textures are well made so that they look realistic.

Mask and Earring: S*R eye mask&chainpierce 001(box) (0$ Lucky board)
Dress: S*R Crset Shortdress Green LB(box) (0$ Lucky board)
Katana: [needful PIXEL] Uesugi Katana v1.0 (200 Linden)
Lower Tattoo: actchio. peony dragon tattoo (250$)
Hair: +BM+ RIUS Black (0$)

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