Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Waiting for the ships

It was always impressive when the flying ships from the Mysts appeared, covered with fog, floating over the water. Elaine was waiting for this moment. The ships, from the Enchanted Mysts, which should bring her and a lot of other beings to the crowning of princess Ilear. Elaine did not want to miss this event. Ilear would rule the lands for a long time and the festival to her crowning was going to be most exciting.
Planing to travel to the mysts
The Mysts, an interactive Story just started today at the Enchanted Mysts Sim of the Fantasy Faire. At the landing point of the sim you get a book, every day a new chapter will be added to this book. The participants of the event will need to solve some riddles but they will be rewarded of course too. Today all get ready for the crowning and there are some gifts for the guests spread on tables on the sim. Read more about the crowning on the Fallen Gods Inc. Blog.

Makeup: ISPIDES face marks +Fallen Gods Inc.+ RFL purple (0$ Gift from the Mysts Quest)
Necklace:Relay for Life Necklaces + Fallen Gods Inc.+ (0$ Gift from the Mysts Quest)

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