Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Follow the feeling - Fantasy Faire 2019

All through the fairelands the strains of music could be heard. It was more than the tuneful warbling of birds, though of course, that was ever present, especially up near the eaves.
"Eaves dropping..." Lore mumbled, her gaze drifting along the sweeping arches of stone.
"Dropping eaves... Dropping leaves..." turning she peered through the halflight to the shaded interior of the nearest tree.
"Come out, come out, wherever you are."

Shaking her head Lore chuckled. "What in the worlds am I doing? Peeping into nests?" Gently, as light as a feather, she began to drift down from the heights she had worked herself up to in her excitement. Refractions of light glimmered and danced across the silk of her gown, magical light, the Light of Va'Loth. Lore walked on, closer to its source, enjoying the effect, taking delight in the kinship even of the Fairelands themselves, the beauty of one drew out and bolstered the beauty of another. She had to follow the music, she was certain it was that which had drawn the moths from their homes. Fluttering wings took flight, chasing not the light of sun, moon, or even magic, but a different frequency. The rhythms flowing from the Fairechylde, a vital heartbeat to the lands, echoed in the forms of all those who sought it, gathered around it to sing and to dance.

"Round and round the mulberry bush..." she sang softly even as her eyes darted from a blade of grass to a drifting mote in the air.
"Come on my beauties where have you gone? You don't even eat mulberry leaves!" Soon the lands would fill with visitors, clomping feet and hooves, broad, leaf brushing wings, to say nothing of those beings made from fire or ice. She shuddered, she had to round them up, get them safely home. The silk rustled, the first wing beat.
"There!" Lore beckoned, lavender tipped fingers curling in welcome. Her moths fluttered to her, soon to be back safely in Bayounimba. Life would go on, eggs would be laid, caterpillars grown. Grown to eat the leaves in the Bayou, to make the most beautiful silk.

So much prettiness. More than prettiness. These are the kinds of SIMs that you wish were places you could visit in RL, so beautiful and well crafted you can feel the texture of the air and breathe in its scent as you click and cam your way. Plus, you can buy all this amazing stuff there!. What could be better? Raising money to support people with cancer? IT ONLY GOES AND DOES THAT AS WELL! What are you waiting for? Links to the beautiful right here!
Images taken in Fantasy Faireland SIM Light of Valoth

Halo : Air - Gothic Halo_silver
The Shrine Tree
Hair :  Wasabi // Prudence Mesh Hair
Circlet : [Kotolier] "Herba" Circlet (FF2019)
Skin :  Sinful Needs - Children of the Night V3 Female - Jet Brows
Twilight Spring
Eyes : {Acios} Eyes of Bayounimba
Earrings :  [Cubic Cherry] {Akane} earrings
Nightshade Blossoms
Scarification : *Birth* Scarification - 'TribalArrow'
Tensors Flying Market
Skin Colourfade : :[EvenTide]: Colored Fades - Purple Mild
The Shrine Tree
Necklace : [HarshLands] FF X Necklace - ULTRA RARE - Her High Faireness
Light of Valoth
Gown : +Dreamcatcher+ Agatha

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