She never really managed to understand why the managers pulled her to the healthpolice when she wanted to eat cupcakes. They never seemed to see a problem in the fact that she smoked. And she smoked a lot while waiting for her performance. Sometimes she even smoked during her performance. Balancing her cigarette holder in her hand while she danced or sang. But maybe it was expected that dancers smoked and not ate cupcakes. Ameli wanted both. Luckily she found a baker who was finally able to create cupcakes which really looked like apples.
Devious Mind is one of the best stores in second life when it comes to lingerie and burlesque poses (they also have the greatest lucky chairs). At the moment there is a hunt going on on their sim. Four of the stores on the sim take part in it: Chanimations, Deviousbeauty, Cupcakes & Poetry and Captain's Quarters. The huntgift you have to search for is either a bottle or an apple with a clock next to it. The gifts are stunning. The dancing outfit on the pictures is the gift fromm deviousBeauty. It could be worn in several ways. The primparts have a resizescript. The cigarette holder, the applecupcakes and the poses are the chanimationsgift. Their gift also contains the backdrop with the heights and inbuilt poses. The white hair comes from Wasabi Pills. It has a unique cut and its possible to tint one of the buns and the surrounding hair in an other colour. The makeup belongs to the new 22769 visage line. It looks like the makeup of Death. She is a character in the sandman comics and the older sister of Dream, the maincharacter in those comics.

Outfit: !dM deviousBeauty - MissDhalia (0 L$ Huntgift)
Poses and props: (*chanimations - deviousSuspect! (0 L$ Huntgift)
Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Ryoko Hair (250 L$ for one colour 1500 L$ for the fatpack)
Makeup: 22769 ~ visage Death Make Up (20 L$)
For more informations about the devious hunt. Take a look at the chanimations blog.
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