Saturday, July 30, 2011

In Which Sian Waits for Her Lover's Return

Frills and Thrills 2
I've loved you for as long as I've known you.

Frills and Thrills 9
I think of your smile, your eyes, and it makes me want to dance.

Frills and Thrills 6
I know you're far away now, but I know you're thinking of me.

Frills and Thrills 8
I pirouette and twirl, and use the horizon that one day soon shall bring you back as my focus.

Frills and Thrills 4
The thought of your touch, your kiss, makes me shudder with joy, makes my eyelids flicker.

Frills and Thrills 7
I think of you every moment of every day. I love you. Come back, my darling.

Frills and Thrills 3
(Sian is aware that this is a teeny bit dramatic. Columbine's only on holiday a couple weeks.)

Sian Wears:
Shoes: [Miamai] Deco Rumba Black
Trousers: [Leezu!] Britpants Black
Skin: [PXL] Gaia Dark
Piercings and fingernails: Model's own
Head Tattoo: [Miss Shippe's Studio] Potatoes Grow Out of Your Ears, Love (not yet available)

(first, third, fifth and seventh pictures)
Blouse: [Leezu!] Van Elisabeta Jacket
Necklace: [Leezu!] LaPerla freebie
Eye makeup: [A:S:S] Drama Shadow aqua and [Nuuna's Skins] Tattoo makeups freebie
Lipstick: [PXL] Gaia dark/Darklips

(second, fourth and sixth pictures)
Blouse: [Leezu!] Izabelle Blouse

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